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Unlocking Your Inner Powerhouse: How Human Design Can Transform Your Life with Jamie Sternberg

Jamie used to have no idea what it meant to be a Projector.

In fact, she spent most of her career as an attorney pushing through the typical 9-5 grind, unaware that her energy was being drained in ways that didn’t align with her true nature. Jamie loved practicing law, but something always felt off. She couldn’t understand why she needed to rest more than her colleagues, or why long workdays left her completely exhausted.

It wasn’t until she discovered Human Design in the fall of 2022 that things started to make sense. Her coach introduced her to this system, which combines elements of astrology, quantum physics, Kabbalah, and the chakra system. Intrigued, Jamie dove headfirst into learning about it, eventually taking a course in the summer of 2023 to deepen her understanding.

The more she learned, the more she realized why she’d been feeling so out of sync. As a Projector, Jamie wasn’t designed to work long hours like a Generator. She was meant to guide and manage, not to be in the trenches doing the heavy lifting. This revelation was life-changing.

“I used to think something was wrong with me,” Jamie shared. “Why couldn’t I keep up with the demands of a traditional law practice? But Human Design helped me see that I wasn’t lazy or lacking in any way—I was just operating outside of my natural design.”

Jamie started to adjust her work schedule, allowing herself the rest she needed and focusing on shorter, more intense bursts of productivity. The results were astounding. Not only did she feel better, but her work also improved. She was more effective, more insightful, and less stressed. This shift led her to step away from practicing law and into coaching, where she could truly align with her Projector energy.

When I first heard about Human Design, I was skeptical. How could something that sounded so “woo” have any practical application in my life as a lawyer? But like Jamie, I was intrigued enough to dig deeper.

Human Design is based on the idea that we’re all born with a unique design that influences how we interact with the world, make decisions, and manage our energy. It’s a system that, when understood, can help you align with your true self, rather than constantly pushing against your natural tendencies.

For me, learning that I’m an emotional Generator was a game-changer. Generators have a natural, sustainable energy, but as an emotional Generator, I’m wired to ride an emotional wave before making decisions. This means I’m not supposed to make snap decisions; I need time to process my emotions and come to a place of clarity.

Before understanding this, I often jumped into commitments too quickly, only to regret them later when my initial excitement faded. But now, I’ve learned to trust the process, to give myself time to feel all the emotions before making a final decision. It’s saved me from burnout and helped me make choices that truly align with my goals and values.

There are five Human Design types, and each type interacts with the world in a unique way:

  1. Projectors (like Jamie) are about 20% of the population. They’re natural guides and managers, thriving when they’re invited to share their insights. Projectors need plenty of rest to function at their best and are not meant to work long hours.
  2. Generators (like me) have a natural energy that allows them to work on tasks they’re passionate about for long periods. However, they must wait to respond to something rather than initiate action themselves.
  3. Manifesting Generators are a blend of Generators and Manifestors. They have the energy of a Generator but can also initiate actions like a Manifestor, though they still need to wait for something to respond to.
  4. Manifestors are visionaries and leaders. They don’t need to wait for a sign before taking action and are excellent at initiating projects and ideas.
  5. Reflectors are the rarest type, making up only 1% of the population. They’re deeply intuitive and need a full lunar cycle (28-30 days) to make major decisions.

Understanding your Human Design is like being handed a permission slip to be yourself—unapologetically. For so long, I felt like I had to operate in a way that didn’t feel natural to me. I compared myself to others who seemed to make decisions easily and quickly, and I wondered why I couldn’t do the same.

But Human Design taught me that there’s nothing wrong with me; I just needed to operate according to my own design. Now, instead of feeling pressured to decide on the spot, I give myself the time I need to process my emotions. And guess what? My decisions are better, and I feel more confident in them.

If you’re curious about your own Human Design, I encourage you to explore it. You can start by pulling up your chart online for free on sites like All you need is your birth date, time, and location.

Once you have your chart, begin by understanding your type and authority. These two aspects will give you valuable insights into how you’re designed to make decisions and interact with the world.

For example, if you discover you’re a Projector like Jamie, give yourself permission to rest without guilt. If you’re a Generator like me, focus on projects that genuinely excite you and watch how your energy increases.

The beauty of Human Design is that it helps you live in alignment with who you truly are. It bridges the gap between the powerhouse exterior and the sometimes unsure interior. It’s about embracing the way you’re naturally wired, rather than trying to force yourself into a mold that doesn’t fit.

As Jamie and I have both discovered, living in alignment with your Human Design isn’t just liberating—it’s empowering. It allows you to show up as your best self, in both your personal and professional life.

So, if you’re ready to start living in alignment with your true self, take the first step today. Dive into Human Design and discover the power that comes from understanding yourself on a deeper level. You won’t regret it.


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