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Trust Your Gut (And Other Lessons I’ve Learned from Starting Something New)

“Can I do this again?” 

I had just planned and pulled off our first-ever Powerhouse Lawyers Retreat in 3 month’s time - and it was complete magic. 

The growth, resonance, and transformation in the room was so powerful, I knew I had hit on something special. 

And I was so ready to do it all over again for round 2, but the imposter syndrome was hitting me hard. I was having thoughts like:

Was this an accident? 

Can I really pull this off again? 

But I pushed through until I gathered a different group of women in a different part of the country… and the magic was the same. 

I knew, without a doubt, this kind of experience was exactly what women in the law needed.  

But let’s be real, it hasn’t all come together flawlessly. 

I’ve done a lot of trying, pivoting, and learning along the way.


And I wanted to share the top 6 lessons I’ve learned from starting something new: 

1. Trust your instinct and just go for it. 


I can’t tell you how many times my gut has told me exactly what to do in life. It’s been such a clear feeling, but I haven’t always followed it. For years, I let doubt or fear get in the way of me showing up. 

A lot of the healing I’ve done as an entrepreneur has been learning to trust my instinct and choose faith over fear. Because people are waiting on me to show up. Even on my most imperfect day, when I'm not at 100%, my 40% is still helping somebody else. I’m still impacting a woman who needs me. 

The same goes for you. 

2. Stay true to your vision. 


I can’t tell you how many people told me what I’m doing was not possible. They said, “Women in the law don’t want community. They don’t want a retreat.” I’ve had lawyers shut me down and tell me, “No thanks, I’ve already paid it forward enough.” 

But I’ve stayed true to my vision, even if that means there are opinions I need to shut down, or people I have to unfollow. I do what I need to do to keep myself from getting distracted by a million outside opinions or getting caught up in the comparison game. 

3. Invest in yourself


If I’m going to be able to impact female lawyers as the best version of me, I have to invest in myself. That means hiring a coach, going to conferences, continuing to learn, building confidence by honing my craft. I never stop growing and investing in myself. 

4. Find the right team to support you. 


This has been everything. There are so many people selling things, telling you they can do certain things. I’ve been through a lot of people. Finding the right team will help you accomplish way more than you could ever accomplish alone. 

Because the truth is, I don’t know how to do everything. I know what my zone of genius is, and then I find the best people to do the things I don’t know how to do. When we’re all on the same team with the same vision, we’re freaking unstoppable. 

5. Small steps over time lead to massive change. 


If you just keep putting one small foot in front of the other, you will look back and be like, “Oh my freaking Lord, look what just happened to me.” That is what small steps every single day lead up to. You will see breakthrough if you just keep moving. 

6. Faith over fear. 


Fear kills more dreams than anything. When we get scared, we start to doubt ourselves and we stop showing up. 

But if you don’t show up, you do us a disservice. You were meant to impact people. You were made for such a time as this. Everything you need to succeed is already inside of you. 

Faith over fear means believing the outcome is going to happen without knowing the “how.” You don’t have to know the “how” because if you keep taking one small step every single day, the “how” will reveal itself to you. 

Those are my personal lessons from starting something brand new. 

And if you’re a woman in the law who’s looking for people who will hold you accountable to trusting your instincts, staying true to your vision, and choosing faith over fear… 

Save yourself a seat at the next Powerhouse Lawyers Retreat. ONE SPOT LEFT!!

I’ve done all the work in creating the ideal environment for you to relax, connect, and get clear on your vision for the next season. 

Just pack your suitcase and show up. Everything else is taken care of for you. 

Click here for more info!


Hope to see you there soon. 


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