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Find Your Board of Directors: The Key to Crushing it in Your Life and Career

As a female lawyer, building meaningful connections and finding a community that resonates with your values can sometimes feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. However, for the women I interviewed on the most recent episode of the Powerhouse Lawyers Podcast, community wasn’t just something they sought out—it became the cornerstone of their professional and personal growth. These two women have journeyed together since law school, supporting each other, and now, with their combined talents, they co-host a podcast called Counsel Brew. Their story highlights the incredible impact that fostering relationships can have on your career, not just in terms of networking, but in developing deep, lasting connections that carry you through the inevitable ups and downs of practicing law.

The Importance of Leaning Into Community

Throughout my career, I’ve witnessed how crucial community is for female lawyers. Law can be an isolating field, particularly for women who juggle multiple roles—mother, wife, attorney, and more. We often feel pressure to maintain a polished exterior, ensuring that no one sees the cracks behind the scenes. However, as Shereen and Nicola demonstrate, leaning into the support of others not only helps you maintain balance but also propels you toward opportunities you might not have discovered otherwise.

Shereen and Nicola met during law school and forged a lifelong friendship based on their shared experiences. They’ve supported one another through career transitions, challenges, and triumphs, and today, they share their wisdom through their podcast, interviewing lawyers and thought leaders to uncover what makes them tick. Their approach to community has been about more than just networking; it’s about creating a space where they and their peers can mentor, resonate, and find encouragement as they navigate the profession.

Collaboration Over Competition

A significant theme in Shereen and Nicola’s story is collaboration over competition. So often in law, we are taught that success is a solitary journey—that we must fight our way to the top, even at the expense of others. However, these two women demonstrate that true success is found when we collaborate, share resources, and uplift those around us. Their podcast is a platform where they highlight the stories of other professionals, showing that success comes in many forms and that there is no single path to the top.

Their story serves as a reminder that the women beside us are not our competition—they are our allies. By working together, sharing experiences, and offering mentorship, we can create a powerful network that supports each woman’s unique journey. Shereen and Nicola’s partnership is proof that two minds (and hearts) are often better than one when it comes to navigating the complexities of legal careers.

The Power of Showing Up

As Shereen and Nicola shared, much of their success has come from the simple act of showing up—whether for a coffee break, a networking event, or in the courtroom. Showing up doesn’t always mean having all the answers or being perfect; it’s about being present, asking the right questions, and being open to connection. For Shereen, her law school journey was one of being open to opportunities and experiences, even when they didn’t fit the original plan. Similarly, Nicola shared the importance of approaching her career with a growth mindset, learning from each experience, and always being willing to take that next step, even when the path ahead wasn’t entirely clear.

This mindset of “just show up” is something we can all learn from. Whether you’re a new lawyer fresh out of school or an experienced attorney looking for a new challenge, the power of showing up for yourself and others cannot be overstated. It’s about being intentional in your interactions and seeking out spaces where you can grow, contribute, and connect. And as these two powerhouse women have proven, sometimes all it takes is showing up in the right room, and magic happens.

Building Your Own Board of Directors

Another gem of advice that came up during our conversation was the idea of curating your personal board of directors. As women in law, we all need a circle of trusted advisors—whether it’s other lawyers, mentors, or even friends outside of the profession—who can offer perspective, support, and sometimes a reality check. Shereen’s journey was deeply influenced by her mentors and friends who offered her both encouragement and honest feedback. Having a diverse group of people who can provide different perspectives has been key to her success.

Building your board of directors is not about finding people who agree with you all the time; it’s about surrounding yourself with individuals who challenge you to think differently, push you to step outside your comfort zone, and help you see the bigger picture. Whether it’s a fellow attorney, a mentor, or a friend who just “gets it,” these people are essential to your growth and resilience.

Moving Forward Together

Shereen and Nicola’s friendship and professional collaboration are a powerful example of what can happen when women lawyers support each other. Their journey—from law school to podcasting—demonstrates the importance of staying connected to your community, leaning on those around you, and continually looking for ways to uplift one another. Their message is one that I hope all women in law take to heart: you don’t have to go it alone. There is immense power in community, collaboration, and the relationships we cultivate along the way.

For female lawyers just starting out or those feeling isolated in their careers, remember this: you have a community waiting for you. You just have to find it, nurture it, and trust that the right connections will come when you show up with authenticity and a willingness to support others. And who knows? Maybe one of those connections will turn into a lifelong friend and business partner, just like Shereen and Nicola.

So, whether you’re navigating the early years of practice, making a mid-career pivot, or exploring new opportunities outside of traditional law, lean into your community. Find your people, build your board of directors, and never forget the incredible value of showing up.

Listen to the Podcast

Connect with Shereen & Nicola @counselbrew

Connect with Shereen:

[email protected]

Connect with Nicola:

[email protected]

About the Author: Erin, founder of Powerhouse Lawyers, is passionate about creating spaces where women lawyers feel empowered to create lives and careers they love. Through her podcast, retreats, and coaching programs, she is dedicated to helping female attorneys connect, collaborate, and elevate each other in their journeys. Connect with her here.

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