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Build Your Book of Business: The Power Move Every Female Lawyer Needs to Make

As lawyers, many of us left law school thinking our career path was going to be a straight line. You graduate, join a law firm, and follow the path to partner. But more often than not, the reality is a far different journey. It’s full of twists, turns, and even pivots you didn’t see coming.

And that’s okay.

One of the most important messages I want to share with you is that it’s okay to outgrow a role or a firm. It’s okay to want more, to desire change, and to evolve in ways you hadn’t anticipated. So many lawyers feel an unnecessary guilt or shame about wanting to move on or try something new. But change is natural. Growth is essential. And at times, staying too long in a role that no longer serves you does more harm than good.

My guest on the Powerhouse Lawyers Podcast this week, Cody Blades, shares a powerful story about navigating her own career changes—from trying different practice areas to moving between firms until she found a place that truly aligned with her values and goals. Cody is an experienced trial lawyer specializing in complex business and employment matters. She’s passionate about empowering women, whether they are employees or business owners, and she works hard to demystify the legal industry for women who feel like they don’t belong.

Cody and I also discuss her work with Minnesota Women Lawyers and the Rainmakers group she founded, which focuses on empowering women in law to build their books of business and gain financial autonomy. Cody shares valuable insights about the importance of owning your business development strategy and the critical need for more women in law to control client relationships. As Cody put it, “Equality in private practice will only be achieved when more women are originating business.”

Some key takeaways from our conversation:

  1. Your career doesn’t have to follow a straight line. It’s okay to explore different areas of law and move between firms to find the right fit.
  2. Release the shame of leaving. Staying too long in a place where you’re unhappy benefits no one. Change can be a positive force for you and your career.
  3. Build your brand. Whether you’re at a small firm or a large one, building your book of business is key to gaining autonomy and creating wealth as a lawyer.
  4. Know your values. Understanding what you want in your career and workplace is critical. It will guide you toward opportunities that align with your long-term goals.

Another standout lessons from our conversation is the importance of taking something valuable from every experience. You don’t have to stay at one firm or in one practice area to succeed in law. In fact, your varied experiences might help you discover exactly what kind of law you love or the environment where you thrive. Cody’s journey proves that each step you take builds toward the career that feels right for you, even if the path isn’t what you first envisioned.

I know that some of you reading this might be at a crossroads, wondering if a move is right for you or if it’s time to explore a different path in your career. My hope is that this conversation will give you the clarity and confidence to trust your gut and embrace the non-linear journey. You deserve to be happy, fulfilled, and excited about the work you do.

Thank you for tuning in, and I hope you enjoy this episode. Cody’s story is a testament to the power of trusting your journey, building your own book of business, and never being afraid to make a move that better aligns with your goals.

Until next time, keep growing, keep learning, and most importantly, keep stepping into your power.

See you next week!

Let go of the guilt and shame, and trust yourself to make the next move when it’s time. It’s all part of the process, and you’re allowed to want more.

Stay in touch with Cody Blades:



About the Author: 

Erin, founder of Powerhouse Lawyers, is passionate about creating spaces where women lawyers feel empowered to create lives and careers they love. Through her podcast, retreats, and coaching programs, she is dedicated to helping female attorneys connect, collaborate, and elevate each other in their journeys. Connect with her here.

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