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Blowing the Door off HR: the No BS Guide to Salary Negotiation

When I got the contract for my first law job, I didn’t think twice. I signed on the dotted line without asking any questions. I was simply grateful to have a job, so negotiating wasn’t even on my radar. In fact, this happened with my second job too. Why? Because for many of us, especially as women, the pressure of getting out of debt and finding a job fresh out of law school feels overwhelming. The last thing we want to do is ruffle any feathers by asking for more.

But here’s the reality: many of us end up leaving money on the table because we don’t negotiate.

As women in law, we often fear that negotiating might make us seem ungrateful or even greedy. There’s a societal pressure to avoid being "too much." Too confident, too assertive, too demanding—it all feels risky. And as a result, we settle. But here’s the thing: we shouldn’t.

In a recent episode of the Powerhouse Lawyers Podcast, I sat down with Keri-Lynne Shaw, a negotiation coach with over 20 years of experience in Human Resources. Keri-Lynne shared the hard truths about why women, and especially women in law, need to change their approach to negotiations.

Here’s what we dove into:

1. The Cost of Not Negotiating

Keri-Lynne explained that most professionals, especially women, leave significant money on the table—potentially up to a million dollars over their careers—simply because they don’t negotiate. For many of us, that’s because we don’t know how to negotiate, or worse, we don’t even realize we should be negotiating.

2. Ditch the Elevator Pitch

If you’re tired of trying to perfect the same old elevator pitch, you’re not alone. Keri-Lynne advocates for ditching it entirely. Instead, she encourages what she calls a "Talent Reel." This is a chance to tell your story authentically, showcasing your unique skills, passions, and the impact you want to make. It’s not just about selling yourself—it’s about connecting with others on a deeper level.

3. Stop Negotiating Against Yourself

How often have you given a salary range only to backpedal immediately? "I’m looking for $250,000, but I’d accept $200,000..." Sound familiar? One of Keri-Lynne’s biggest tips: Stop talking. When you state your salary expectations, let the silence work for you. Resist the urge to fill the gap with explanations or concessions. Silence can be your most powerful tool.

4. Understand Your Market Value

One of the most critical steps in any negotiation is understanding what you’re worth in the marketplace. Keri-Lynne advises doing your homework—know the going rate for your position, in your region, with your level of experience. Armed with this information, you’ll be able to negotiate confidently and back up your request with facts.

5. Negotiate More Than Just Salary

Negotiation isn’t just about the number on the paycheck. There’s a whole world of benefits and perks that can and should be negotiated, including bonuses, equity, flexible working hours, and even personal development resources. Keri-Lynne emphasized that knowing what you want beyond salary is key to a successful negotiation.

6. Prepare, Practice, and Deliver

Keri-Lynne works with clients to help them prepare and practice their negotiations, ensuring they feel confident when they walk into the room. This includes everything from role-playing conversations to knowing exactly when and how to bring up compensation in discussions.

As a "baby lawyer," I wish I had known even half of these tips. I didn’t realize that I had the power to negotiate—let alone that it was expected of me. But now, after talking with experts like Keri-Lynne, I’m on a mission to make sure that the next generation of powerhouse women lawyers are equipped to ask for what they’re worth.

Negotiation isn’t just about getting more money. It’s about valuing yourself and standing up for what you deserve. So if you’re entering a contract negotiation, getting ready to accept a new job offer, or simply looking to understand your value in the market—take the time to prepare. Do the homework, practice your conversation, and remember: silence can be your friend.

If you missed the full episode with Keri-Lynne Shaw, be sure to check it out for even more empowering insights on negotiating your worth. And remember: You have the power to create a career that aligns with both your values and your worth.

Until next time, keep rising, powerhouses!

Tune into the FULL EPISODE 

Contact KL: 



Email: [email protected]

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